Bloom Energy: Powering Manufacturing

Optimized for your manufacturing needs today and requirements tomorrow

Reliable & Resilient

reliable and resilient
  • Bloom Energy Servers can be deployed as microgrids to protect against power outages
  • With pipeline gas and a modular, fault-tolerant design, Bloom Energy Servers maintain maximum up-time

Predictable Costs

  • Customers are able to grow their business in areas with a high cost of electricity.
  • Hedge against grid electricity price escalation and volatility by eliminating transmission & distribution risk.


  • Bloom Energy Servers generate power without combustion through an electrochemical reaction, improving air quality and reducing CO2 emissions
  • Marketable sustainability improvements by virtually eliminating criteria air pollutants such as NOx, SOx, PM.

Improve your manufacturing operations and make profitability more predictable. Hedging is frequently employed to reduce variability in manufacturing operations – hedging against currencies and raw materials. It’s time to hedge against electricity costs. Bloom enables you to reduce natural gas commodity exposure, eliminate transmission & distribution cost escalation risk, and diversify your sources of primary power.

  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) = Availability x Performance x Quality.
  • Increasing availability with a Bloom AlwaysON Microgrid maximizes your plant OEE while eliminating plant disruption and associated waste.
  • Bloom powers >40MW for manufacturing companies and helps customers survive grid transient events.

In March 2019, a semiconductor manufacturer reported 17 power quality events in a 7-day period. Bloom carried the critical load without interruption. Also in March 2019, a manufacturing facility in New Jersey reported an outage, with Bloom carrying the critical load for 11 hours until power was returned.

“The 24/7 uninterruptible, high quality power from the Bloom Energy Servers has greatly improved the reliability of critical manufacturing processes at the facility.”

- Roofing Manufacturer

“Moving off the grid using…Bloom Energy helps reduce our carbon footprint and continues to demonstrate our commitment to ongoing sustainability initiatives.”

- Medical Manufacturer


Learn how Bloom can provide your facility with reliable power, without combustion, at the highest electrical efficiency in the world.