Energy Solutions for Animal and Agriculture Sites
Biogas has enormous potential and can be a significant driver of the world’s decarbonization strategy.
“Grass to gas” production of biogas can come from sources such as food waste, agriculture plant waste, or manure waste from animal farming. For animal and agriculture sites, biogas utilization is seen as a pragmatic waste management method and huge potential revenue generator.
Plugging into Waste Power
However, it’s been difficult to find ways to efficiently convert biogas into electricity without harming the environment. Onsite power generation has traditionally been performed using gas turbines or gas engines, both which suffer from low conversion efficiency and emit harmful criteria pollutants such as SOX, NOX and other particulates emissions.
Bloom Energy has a better solution.
Convert Waste to Electricity at the Highest Efficiency without Combustion
Resilient and highly efficient distributed generation technologies like fuel cells enable new opportunities to advance decarbonization through innovative resource recovery and utilization techniques.
Our proprietary solid oxide fuel cell technology converts waste-generated biogas into electricity through an electrochemical process at the highest efficiency, without combustion. This dramatically reduces emissions and avoids emitting harmful criteria air pollutants that worsen local air quality.
A Versatile Platform to Meet your Complex Energy Needs
Bloom represents the most efficient and sustainable onsite generation source available. Our technology empowers a smarter waste management operation, offering the ability to:
- Convert organic waste into clean, renewable onsite power
- Lower operating costs and generate new revenue streams
- Secure reliable and resilient power, insulating facilities from increasing outage risk.
- Advance decarbonization by cutting greenhouse gas and short-lived air pollutants
- Meet growing compliance obligations
Download energy solutions for animal and agriculture sites to understand how you can make the most of your biogas and deliver maximum value to your business.